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Payment Processing
For tax purposes, processing of donations is handled by the Givinga Foundation, our 501(c)(3) sponsoring organization, and partner. This ensures that all funds processed are considered a charitable donation as described by the IRS. For this reason, a separate API with a different set of endpoints are used for processing transactions versus other activities within the Givinga Platform.
Base URL's
Retrieves a jwt token for authenticating calls to the payments API and a public key for instantiating a Stripe session.
accountId required | number <double> a unique string for the identification used to lookup the secret key. Account Ids look like |
hmac | string SHA256 HMAC hash generated using your Secret Key and an epoch timestamp that is less than 1 minute old. |
hashEpoch | number An epoch timestamp that is less than one minute old. |
{- "hmac": "4692cfbb32ebcbe307bfcb26c0a3f2a4f90cb4833d99ea6c87a1b40e9ea3e848",
- "hashEpoch": 1622657001
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwYXJ0bmVySWQiOjIsImFjY291bnRJZCI6ImFjY3RfMUgzNGJSRWZMdzc5WFFZMyIsInJvbGVJZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6IkdpdmluZ2EgVGVzdCBQYXJ0bmVyIiwiaWRlbXBvdGVuY3lLZXkiOiI2OTI3MGE4Ny1iNmEyLTRjZDAtYmM4Ny0wNTczY2U4MjkyN2QiLCJleHAiOjE2MzQyMjQ3NjcuNDM0LCJpYXQiOjE2MzQyMTY5Njd9.z5kJ4PUVq-_CqpzZfHqRcPcW0iezHumdtU-O__EggcI",
- "publicKey": "pk_live_UKrGXd5PlOllJHvaG2ggkxWe"
[- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": "cus_12345",
- "partnerId": 1,
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
Create a customer
firstName | string Customer first name |
lastName | string Customer last name |
string Customer email | |
externalId | string An identifier used to link the customer to your own system. |
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": "cus_12345",
- "partnerId": 1,
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
Returns the customer associated with a given identifier.
customerId required | string the Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": "cus_12345",
- "partnerId": 1,
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
Update the Stripe Customer associated with a given Stripe customer ID.
customerId required | string Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. |
firstName | string Customer first name |
lastName | string Customer last name |
string The customer email |
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "email": "[email protected]"
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": "cus_12345",
- "partnerId": 1,
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
Returns the customer associated with a given external identifier.
customerExternalId required | string the external ID of the Givinga user. |
{- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "customerId": "cus_12345",
- "partnerId": 1,
- "externalId": "2jk4h2n3un4"
Donate from or fund an account via Charges supports ACH
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. If not included in the path, a guest checkout session will be generated. |
amount required | number The dollar amount (in cents) of the donation. |
paymentMethodId required | string The payment method id associated with the Stripe customer making the donation. |
tip | number An optional value (in cents) added as a tip atop the |
charityId | number The Givinga-assigned ID of the charity the donation should be directed to. Only present if donating directly to a charity. |
subaccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
givingaAccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
masterAccountUsername | string The Givinga API username included in your basic auth credentials when accessing the Givinga API. This is used to look up your master account information. Only present when funding the corporate account balance. |
carbonOffset | string Boolean flag used when purchasing carbon offset credits. Only present when purchasing carbon offset credits. |
campaignId | string The number of the Givinga campaing the donation is being made too. Only present when donating to a campaign. |
currency | string The currency the payment is being made in. |
matchRequested | boolean True, if the donor is requesting a match from their organization. |
customerCoveringFee | boolean True, if the donor is covering the fees associated with processing fee. |
customerCoveringPartnerCut | boolean True, if the donor is covering the partners cut of the donation. |
description | string An optional string that will appear on the payment object in Stripe as the payment description. |
statementDescriptor | string An optional string that will appear as the statement description on the customers bank or credit card statement. Please note, statement descriptions have a 22 character limit. |
notes | string An optional note from the donor to the charity. |
activityId | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId2 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId3 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
anonymity | string One of |
Array of objects (KeyVal) an array of {key:: String, value:: String} pairs that get added as metadata to the Stripe webhook object. Note, the value field has a 500 character limit. |
{- "amount": 2000,
- "paymentMethodId": "ba_xx123xx",
- "tip": 1000,
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "carbonOffset": true,
- "campaignId": true,
- "currency": "USD",
- "matchRequested": false,
- "customerCoveringFee": false,
- "customerCoveringPartnerCut": false,
- "description": "Testing!",
- "statementDescriptor": "Givinga Donation",
- "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
{- "status": "Success",
- "chargeId": "ch_xxx"
List Customer Payments from Stripe
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. |
[- {
- "paymentId": "ch_123",
- "paymentSourceId": "pm_123",
- "accountId": "acct_123",
- "status": "Success",
- "givingaFeeCut": 10,
- "partnerCut": 500,
- "partnerFeeCut": 10,
- "tip": 100,
- "createDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.879Z",
- "amount": 1000,
- "customerId": "cus_xxx"
Donate from or fund an account via Stripe Checkout
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. If not included in the path, a guest checkout session will be generated. |
amount | number The dollar amount (in cents) of the donation. Required if an item is not provided. Quantity and ProductName required when provided |
tip | number An optional value (in cents) added as a tip atop the |
currency required | string The currency the payment is being made in. |
cancelURL required | string The url to return to when canceled |
successURL required | string The url to return to on success |
paymentMethodId | string The payment method id associated with the Stripe customer making the donation. |
charityId | number The Givinga-assigned ID of the charity the donation should be directed to. Only present if donating directly to a charity. |
subaccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
givingaAccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
masterAccountUsername | string The Givinga API username included in your basic auth credentials when accessing the Givinga API. This is used to look up your master account information. Only present when funding the corporate account balance. |
carbonOffset | string Boolean flag used when purchasing carbon offset credits. Only present when purchasing carbon offset credits. |
campaignId | string The number of the Givinga campaing the donation is being made too. Only present when donating to a campaign. |
matchRequested | boolean True, if the donor is requesting a match from their organization. |
customerCoveringFee | boolean True, if the donor is covering the fees associated with processing fee. |
customerCoveringPartnerCut | boolean True, if the donor is covering the partners cut of the donation. |
description | string An optional string that will appear on the payment object in Stripe as the payment description. |
statementDescriptor | string An optional string that will appear as the statement description on the customers bank or credit card statement. Please note, statement descriptions have a 22 character limit. |
notes | string An optional note from the donor to the charity. |
activityId | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId2 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId3 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
anonymity | string One of |
Array of objects (KeyVal) an array of {key:: String, value:: String} pairs that get added as metadata to the Stripe webhook object. Note, the value field has a 500 character limit. | |
mode | string One of |
Array of objects (SubscriptionItem) We can provide a list of existing prices or custom prices as seperate line items on the checkout invoice, for subscription mode the prices have to have a recurring interval, intervals must be the same | |
tipInterval | string Provided when we want a recurring tip. Must be one of 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', it must be the same interval as all of items. If not provided for subscription mode it a one time tip will be executed at the beginning of the subscription |
productName | string Provided for payment mode. Shows up as the description in the checkout invoice |
quantity | number Number of units we want to purchase for payment mode |
{- "amount": 2000,
- "tip": 1000,
- "currency": "USD",
- "cancelURL": "string",
- "successURL": "string",
- "paymentMethodId": "ba_xx123xx",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "carbonOffset": true,
- "campaignId": true,
- "matchRequested": false,
- "customerCoveringFee": false,
- "customerCoveringPartnerCut": false,
- "description": "Testing!",
- "statementDescriptor": "Givinga Donation",
- "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "mode": "string",
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD"
], - "tipInterval": "string",
- "productName": "string",
- "quantity": 0
{- "id": "cs_test_ItzzAymToyCGuqYqkhHoMqKfCisFKvEm7SPLiVYaOEgLdqArwg4GOB1M"
Donate from or fund an account via Payment Intents
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. If not included in the path, a guest checkout session will be generated. |
amount required | number The dollar amount (in cents) of the donation. |
tip | number An optional value (in cents) added as a tip atop the |
charityId | number The Givinga-assigned ID of the charity the donation should be directed to. Only present if donating directly to a charity. |
subaccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
givingaAccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
masterAccountUsername | string The Givinga API username included in your basic auth credentials when accessing the Givinga API. This is used to look up your master account information. Only present when funding the corporate account balance. |
carbonOffset | string Boolean flag used when purchasing carbon offset credits. Only present when purchasing carbon offset credits. |
campaignId | string The number of the Givinga campaing the donation is being made too. Only present when donating to a campaign. |
currency | string The currency the payment is being made in. |
paymentMethodId | string The payment method id associated with the Stripe customer making the donation. |
matchRequested | boolean True, if the donor is requesting a match from their organization. |
customerCoveringFee | boolean True, if the donor is covering the fees associated with processing fee. |
customerCoveringPartnerCut | boolean True, if the donor is covering the partners cut of the donation. |
description | string An optional string that will appear on the payment object in Stripe as the payment description. |
statementDescriptor | string An optional string that will appear as the statement description on the customers bank or credit card statement. Please note, statement descriptions have a 22 character limit. |
notes | string An optional note from the donor to the charity. |
activityId | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId2 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId3 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
anonymity | string One of |
Array of objects (KeyVal) an array of {key:: String, value:: String} pairs that get added as metadata to the Stripe webhook object. Note, the value field has a 500 character limit. | |
persistPaymentMethod | boolean Boolean flag provided when the the paymentMethodId is not provided. This signals that the payment method created in the Stripe intent flow will be persisted to the customer for future use. |
{- "amount": 2000,
- "tip": 1000,
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "carbonOffset": true,
- "campaignId": true,
- "currency": "USD",
- "paymentMethodId": "pm_x123x",
- "matchRequested": false,
- "customerCoveringFee": false,
- "customerCoveringPartnerCut": false,
- "description": "Testing!",
- "statementDescriptor": "Givinga Donation",
- "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "persistPaymentMethod": false
{- "clientSecret": "pi_1Iy1DzL2ZCJnwBDaXSSHhos9_secret_6zTShsHW9pgQ5GgPHM0Lfy7pk"
Call the create setup intent method. This is used to set up payment methods on a customer. Note payment methods can be set up through the payment intents endpoints.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID attached to the customer object in Givinga. If not included in the path, a guest checkout session will be generated. |
Subscriptions are made up of three parts: price, product and interval. A subscription can have multiple prices associated with different intervals. Subscription intervals include day, week month and year.
[- {
- "productId": "prod_Hk...",
- "name": "My first product!"
Subscriptions are made up of three parts: price, product and interval. A subscription can have multiple prices associated with different intervals. Subscription intervals include day, week month and year. To create a subscription we must first create a product.
name | string The name of the product |
{- "name": "My first product!"
{- "productId": "prod_Hk...",
- "name": "My first product!"
Once we have created our product we need to define a price. We can define multiple prices and intervals for the same product. Note: if you are configuring a product for one-time purchase do not provide an interval in the request payload.
productId required | string The Stripe ID of the product we are assigning the price and interval to. |
[- {
- "priceId": "price_123...",
- "isCustomAmount": true,
- "currency": "USD",
- "recurringInterval": "day",
- "productId": "prod_Hk...",
- "type": "one_time"
Once we have created our product we need to define a price. We can define multiple prices and intervals for the same product. Note: if you are configuring a product for one-time purchase do not provide an interval in the request payload.
productId required | string The Stripe ID of the product we are assigning the price and interval to. |
interval | string The interval by which the customer should be charged (do not provide |
unitAmount | number The price (in cents) associated with the product. |
currency | string The currency the customer should be charged in. |
{- "interval": "month",
- "unitAmount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
{- "priceId": "price_123...",
- "isCustomAmount": true,
- "currency": "USD",
- "recurringInterval": "day",
- "productId": "prod_Hk...",
- "type": "one_time"
View all of the subscriptions associated with a given partner.
[- {
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
Get a subscriptions by stripe subscription id.
subscriptionId required | string The Stripe subscription ID of the subscription. |
{- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
Once we have products with associated prices / subscription intervals we can now subscribe a user to our subscriptions.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
tip | number An optional value (in cents) added as a tip atop the |
tipCurrency | string The currency the tip is being made in. |
paymentMethodId | string The payment method id associated with the Stripe customer making the donation. |
charityId | number The Givinga-assigned ID of the charity the donation should be directed to. Only present if donating directly to a charity. |
subaccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
givingaAccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Maps to |
masterAccountUsername | string The Givinga API username included in your basic auth credentials when accessing the Givinga API. This is used to look up your master account information. Only present when funding the corporate account balance. |
carbonOffset | string Boolean flag used when purchasing carbon offset credits. Only present when purchasing carbon offset credits. |
campaignId | string The number of the Givinga campaing the donation is being made too. Only present when donating to a campaign. |
matchRequested | boolean True, if the donor is requesting a match from their organization. |
notes | string An optional note from the donor to the charity. |
activityId | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId2 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId3 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
anonymity | string One of |
description | string An optional string that will appear on the payment object in Stripe as the payment description. |
Array of objects (KeyVal) an array of {key:: String, value:: String} pairs that get added as metadata to the Stripe webhook object. Note, the value field has a 500 character limit. | |
Array of objects (SubscriptionItem) We can provide a list of existing prices or custom prices as seperate line items on the checkout invoice, for subscription mode the prices have to have a recurring interval, intervals must be the same | |
tipInterval | string Provided when we want a recurring tip. Must be one of 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', it must be the same interval as all of items. If not provided for subscription mode it a one time tip will be executed at the beginning of the subscription |
{- "tip": 1000,
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "paymentMethodId": "ba_xx123xx",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "carbonOffset": true,
- "campaignId": true,
- "matchRequested": false,
- "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string",
- "description": "Testing!",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD"
], - "tipInterval": "string"
{- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
View all of the subscriptions associated with a given Stripe Customer.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
{- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
We provide one catch-all endpoint for all subscription management needs. Through this endpoint you can pause, cancel or restart a subscription, add additional items, change the interval or associated metadata and update the customers payment method that the subscription is tied to.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
subscriptionId required | string The Stripe subscription. |
cancelAtPeriodEnd | boolean If true, cancels the subscription at period end. |
billingCycleAnchor | string now or unchanged changes the execute date of the subscription |
prorationBehaviour | string Used in conjecture with billingCycleAnchor or price changes one of 'none' charges no prorate amount, 'always_invoice' charges full amount, or 'create_proration' which prorates based on the amount of time passed. |
cancelAt | number Unix timestamp in milliseconds marking when the subscription should be cancelled. |
pause | boolean Pauses the subscription when true and voids invoices until subscription starts. Set to false to unpause. |
resumesAt | number Unix timestamp in milliseconds marking when to resume the subscription. |
Array of objects (SubscriptionItem) Product(s) we are subscribing the user to | |
tip | number An optional value (in cents) added as a tip atop the |
tipInterval | string The interval the recurring tip executes on, one of 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' |
tipCurrency | string The currency the tip is being made in. |
charityId | number The Givinga-assigned ID of the charity the donation should be directed to. Only present if donating to a charity. |
subaccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Should be the |
givingaAccountNumber | string The number of the Givinga account the donation should be attributed to. Should be the |
masterAccountUsername | string The Givinga API username included in your basic auth credentials when accessing the Givinga API. This is used to look up your master account information. Should only be provided when funding the corporate account balance. |
carbonOffset | string Boolean flag used when purchasing carbon offset credits. Only present when purchasing carbon offset credits. |
campaignId | string The number of the Givinga campaing the donation is being made too. Only present when donating to a campaign. |
paymentMethodId | string The payment method id associated with the Stripe customer making the donation. |
description | string An optional string that will appear on the payment object in Stripe as the payment description. |
notes | string An optional note from the donor to the charity. |
activityId | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId2 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
activityId3 | string An optional value set by the client that can be used to associate the Givinga transaction with data on the client side. |
anonymity | string One of |
Array of objects (SubscriptionItem) an array of {key:: String, value:: String} pairs that get added as metadata to the Stripe webhook object. Note, the value field has a 500 character limit. |
{- "cancelAtPeriodEnd": true,
- "billingCycleAnchor": "string",
- "prorationBehaviour": "string",
- "cancelAt": 0,
- "pause": true,
- "resumesAt": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD"
], - "tip": 1000,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "carbonOffset": true,
- "campaignId": true,
- "paymentMethodId": "pm_x123x",
- "description": "Testing!",
- "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD"
{- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
Immediately cancel a subscription .
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
subscriptionId required | string The Stripe subscription. |
{- "subscriptionId": "sub_123",
- "startDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "endDate": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "customerId": "cus_123",
- "paused": false,
- "resumes": "2021-10-20T16:09:09.880Z",
- "tip": 100,
- "tipInterval": "USD",
- "tipCurrency": "USD",
- "oneTimeTip": 100,
- "oneTimeTipCurrency": "USD",
- "charityId": 123456,
- "subaccountNumber": "123456",
- "givingaAccountNumber": "11420157",
- "masterAccountUsername": "myusername",
- "subscriptionItems": [
- {
- "quantity": 1,
- "priceId": "string",
- "customPriceAmount": 1000,
- "customPriceInterval": "month",
- "customPriceProductId": "string",
- "customPriceCurrency": "USD",
- "subscriptionId": "sub_123"
], - "notes": "string",
- "activityId": "string",
- "activityId2": "string",
- "activityId3": "string",
- "anonymity": "string"
First, fetch a linkToken for authorizing the Plaid Link flow. Then, use the Integrate with Plaid Link section in the Stripe documentation to add the necessary Javascript to support the Plaid verification flow.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
{- "environment": "string",
- "clientName": "string",
- "linkToken": "string"
Post the public_token and metadata.accounts[0].id from the onSuccess result in the Plaid Link.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
values | string the public_token from the onSuccess result in the Plaid Link flow. |
accountId | string the metadata.accounts[0].id from the onSuccess result in the Plaid Link flow. |
{- "values": "string",
- "accountId": "string"
Post the stripe token retrieved from stripe.js library when generating an ACH account, will need to be verified by the verify endpoint.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
token | string the public_token retrieved from the Stripe.js library. |
{- "token": "string"
Post the the micro deposits to verify the bank account.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
paymentMethodId required | string The id of the payment method to be verified. |
values | Array of numbers a list of the two micro deposits. |
{- "values": [
- 0
Set the payment method to the default payment method on the customer.
customerId required | string The Stripe customer ID of the Givinga user. |
paymentMethodId required | string The id of the payment method to be verified. |